Class Names and Mottos

Katinas, Bomb 1904 Katinas, Bomb 1904
Year Class Name Motto
1874 Choctaw  
1878 Feejees  
1879 Pianks “Ne Teutes, ant Perfice”
1881 Cheyennes “Ad Astra per Aspera” “Through our Endeavors, the Stars,” or “To the Stars through Difficulties.” This is also the motto of the State of Kansas, and appears on their state seal.
1882   “Proponimus Altissima” “High Promise”
1883 Kickapoos “Finis Coronat Opus” “End to a Crowning Achievement”
1884 Nipmucks “Vertute et Labore Vincemus” “Virtue and Labor Conquer”
1885   “Peraget Angusta ad Augusta” “Through Narrow Straits to Victory”
1886 Diggers “A Posse ad Esse” “From Possibilty to Reality”
1887 Pahucha? “Attempt and Accomplish”
1888 Owl Eyes? “Occupate Potestatum” “Seize the Opportunity”
1889   “We’ll Find a Way or Make One”
1890 Driftwood  
1891 Green Turtles or Verde Tortugas “Thoughtful of the Future”
1892 Tadpoles “Esse Quam Videri” “To be Rather than to Seem”
1893 Toad Stools “Peg Away”
1894 Gourds “Always Climbing”
1895 Suckers “Seeking a Momentum That Nothing Will Destroy”
1896 Ishkoodahs “To Stars Through Clouds”
1897 No Eyes “Videmus Sine Oculis” “Vision Without Eyes” (No one in the class had a name starting with I).
1898 Pygmies “With Faith and Courage”
1899 Chinooks “Launched But Not Drifting”
1900 To-Whoos “The Moments Perish and are Laid to Our Charge”
1902 Xanho “Push Back Your Horizon”
1903 Erehas “Possunt, qui Posse Videntur” “They Can because They Think They Can”
1904 Katinas  
1905 Sicemakas  
1906 Mewasem “Class of the Brave Heart”
1907 Wussuckwhouks “The Painters”?
1908 Witaxaquoias  
1909 Honnatgades “Numerous Ones”
1910 Mennuksuonks  
1911 Kabbibanskas  
1912 Wendigoes  
1913 Nootimus  
1914 Quissex  
1915 Kabbibanokas  
1916 Waukonda  
1917 Peetwaweetum  

Resources available online

The Bomb was the yearbook for Iowa State (1894-1994).

The Bomb 1894

The Bomb 1895

The first 100 years of residential housing at Iowa State University, 1868-1968

Iowa State Memories, Poem by Lanie Lass

VEISHEA: Iowa State’s Rite of Spring

This is a historic exhibit and the information provided within it may be out of date. Please contact the Special Collections and University Archives Department with questions about Iowa State history (