Year | Class Name | Motto |
1874 | Choctaw | |
1878 | Feejees | |
1879 | Pianks | “Ne Teutes, ant Perfice” |
1881 | Cheyennes | “Ad Astra per Aspera” “Through our Endeavors, the Stars,” or “To the Stars through Difficulties.” This is also the motto of the State of Kansas, and appears on their state seal. |
1882 | “Proponimus Altissima” “High Promise” | |
1883 | Kickapoos | “Finis Coronat Opus” “End to a Crowning Achievement” |
1884 | Nipmucks | “Vertute et Labore Vincemus” “Virtue and Labor Conquer” |
1885 | “Peraget Angusta ad Augusta” “Through Narrow Straits to Victory” | |
1886 | Diggers | “A Posse ad Esse” “From Possibilty to Reality” |
1887 | Pahucha? | “Attempt and Accomplish” |
1888 | Owl Eyes? | “Occupate Potestatum” “Seize the Opportunity” |
1889 | “We’ll Find a Way or Make One” | |
1890 | Driftwood | |
1891 | Green Turtles or Verde Tortugas | “Thoughtful of the Future” |
1892 | Tadpoles | “Esse Quam Videri” “To be Rather than to Seem” |
1893 | Toad Stools | “Peg Away” |
1894 | Gourds | “Always Climbing” |
1895 | Suckers | “Seeking a Momentum That Nothing Will Destroy” |
1896 | Ishkoodahs | “To Stars Through Clouds” |
1897 | No Eyes | “Videmus Sine Oculis” “Vision Without Eyes” (No one in the class had a name starting with I). |
1898 | Pygmies | “With Faith and Courage” |
1899 | Chinooks | “Launched But Not Drifting” |
1900 | To-Whoos | “The Moments Perish and are Laid to Our Charge” |
1902 | Xanho | “Push Back Your Horizon” |
1903 | Erehas | “Possunt, qui Posse Videntur” “They Can because They Think They Can” |
1904 | Katinas | |
1905 | Sicemakas | |
1906 | Mewasem | “Class of the Brave Heart” |
1907 | Wussuckwhouks | “The Painters”? |
1908 | Witaxaquoias | |
1909 | Honnatgades | “Numerous Ones” |
1910 | Mennuksuonks | |
1911 | Kabbibanskas | |
1912 | Wendigoes | |
1913 | Nootimus | |
1914 | Quissex | |
1915 | Kabbibanokas | |
1916 | Waukonda | |
1917 | Peetwaweetum |
Resources available online
The Bomb was the yearbook for Iowa State (1894-1994).
Poem by Lanie Lass
VEISHEA: Iowa State’s Rite of Spring
This is a historic exhibit and the information provided within it may be out of date. Please contact the Special Collections and University Archives Department with questions about Iowa State history (archives@iastate.edu).