In 1980, H. Summerfield Day, the former University Architect (1966-1975) and Planning Coordinator (1975-1980) competed the history of Iowa State University’s buildings and grounds. This massive undertaking took him and his assistants twelve years to complete. The book contains information on virtually every building or structure that had been built on the Iowa State University campus prior to 1979.
The contents list below provides links to the PDF copies of the book. Due to the size of the files, it may take a long time to download or view the documents.
General PDFs
Acknowledgments, Introduction, and Source Material
Athletic and Recreational Areas
Athletic Fields
Baseball Diamonds
Golf Course
Recreational and Intramural Areas
Tennis Courts
Special Areas
Ames Laboratory
Iowa State Center
Poultry Farm and Buildings
Veterinary Medicine Research Institute
YMCA and Lynn Fuhrer Lodge
Chronological List of Campus Buildings with Values
Land Use
Lake LaVerne
Pammel Woods
Roads and Bridges
West Court and Trailers
Fire Protection
Memorials and Class Gifts
Post Offices and Mail Service
Radio and Television
Storms, Floods and Cyclones
Victory Bell
Traffic and Parking
Water Supply
Sewers and Drainage
Electric Power and Light
Gas Supply and Distribution
Steam Distribution, Tunnels and Chilled Water
Campus Planning
Campus Maps
Campus Buildings (Alphabetically Arranged)
Aerospace Laboratory - Armory
Aerospace Laboratory
Agricultural Engineering Garage
Agricultural Engineering Machine Shed
Agricultural Engineering Shop and Shed
Agronomy Farm Crops Laboratory
Agronomy Greenhouse
Agronomy Hall
Agronomy Laboratory
Alumni Hall
Ames Laboratory Service Buildings
Andrews-Richards House
Barton Hall - Building “B”
Barton Hall
Beach House
Beardshear Hall
Bessey Hall
Bevier House
Beyer Hall
Beyer House
Birch Hall
Boarding Cottages
Boiler House
Botany Greenhouse, Forestry Greenhouse
Botany Hall (Catt Hall)
Buchanan Hall
Building “A”
Building “B”
Campanile - Curtiss Hall
Carpenter Shop
Car Pool Office Building
Carver Hall
Cattle Barns
Central Station
Chemical and Physical Laboratory
Child Development Building
Coal Houses
Coburn House
College of Design
Communication Building
Computer Science
Coover Hall
Corn Cribs
Curtiss Hall
Dairy Industry Building - Experiment Station Barn
Dairy Industry Building
Davidson Hall
Driver Training Laboratory
Driver Training Storage
East Hall
Eastwood Cottage
Electric and Paint Shop
Emergency Hall
Engineering Annex
Engineering Research Institute
Engineer’s Cottage
English Office Building
Exhibit Hall
Experimental Barn
Experiment Station Barn
Fair Oaks Mansion - Fruit Storage Shed
Fair Oaks Mansion
Farm Boarding Club
Farm House
Farm Laborer’s Cottage
Feeding Barn
Feeding Sheds
Feed Storage Elevator
Fick Observatory
Field House - Physical Education for Women
Film Storage
Firemanship Training Building
Fisher Theater
Food Technology Laboratory
Forage Shed
Four-Apartment House
Freeman Hall
Friley Hall
Fruit Storage Shed
Gables - Judging Pavilion
Genetics Laboratory
Genetics and Plant Pathology Greenhouse
Gilman Hall
Golf Club House
Grounds Cottage
Grounds Shop
Gun Shed
Hawthorn Court
Helser Hall
Herdsman’s Cottage
Hilton Coliseum
Hog Barn and Pavilion
Hog Houses
Horse Barns
Horticulture Barns
Horticulture Cottage
Horticulture Gardens Building
Horticulture Hall
Horticulture Lab
Industrial Education
Insectary and Greenhouse
ISU Press Building
Judging Pavilion
Kildee Cottage - MacKay Hall and LeBaron Hall
Kildee Cottage
Kildee Hall and Lush Auditorium
Knapp and Storms Halls and Commons (Towers)
Laboratory of Mechanics
Landscape Architecture
Library Storage Building
Lincoln Way Cottage
Linden Hall
Lyon Hall
Machinery and Storage Shed
MacKay Hall and LeBaron Hall
Main Building - Memorial Union
Main Building (Old Main)
Maple, Willow, and Larch Halls and Commons
Margaret Hall
Marston Cottage
Marston Hall
Meat Laboratory
Meats Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
Memorial Union
Metallurgy Building - Pearson Hall
Metallurgy Building
Metals Development Building
Military Garage
Military Powder Magazines
Military Stables
Morrill Hall
Mortensen Cottage
Music Building
Music Hall
Naval Armory
Nickell-Fisher House
North Hall
North Studio
Norton House
Nuclear Engineering Laboratory
Oak-Elm Halls
Oak-Elm Lodges and Dining Room
Office and Laboratory Building
Olsen Building
Osborn Cottage
Pammel Court
Parking Ramp at the Memorial Union
Pearson Hall
Physical Education Building - Soil Testing Laboratory
Physical Education Building
Physical Plant Shops and Central Stores
Physical Plant Storage Shed
Physics Hall
Plant Introduction Greenhouse
Plumbing Shop
Pope Cottage
Poultry House
Power and Heating Plant
Power Station
President’s Barn
Printing Building
Pump House
Purchasing Warehouse
Quadrangle (Lagomarcino Hall)
Rendering Plant
Research Reactor Ridgeway House
Roberts Hall
Ross Hall
Ruminant Nutrition Laboratory
Safford Cottage
Sanitary Building
Schemen Continuing Education Building
Schilletter Village
Science Hall
Seed Processing Plant
Seed Science Building
Serum Plant
Sheep Barn
Sheep Barn and Shed
Sloss House
Snedecor Hall
Soil Testing Laboratory
South Hall - Workshop
South Hall
South Studio
Spedding Hall
State Gymnasium
C.Y. Stephens Auditorium
Student Services Building
Sweeney Hall
Synchrotron Building
Teamster’s Cottage
Temporary Buildings “C” - “S”
Theater Workshop
Town Engineering Building
Training Shed
University Village
Veterinary Barn
Veterinary Clinic
Veterinary Hospital
Veterinary Medicine Facilities
Veterinary Obstetrics Laboratory
Veterinary Surgery
Veterinary Physiology Research Laboratory
Wallace Hall, Wilson Hall, and Commons (Towers)
Welch Hall
Westgate Hall
Minor Buildings
Animal Husbandry Research Laboratory
Archery Hut
Bunk House
Caddy House
Cattle Shed
Central Storage
Chemical Storage Building
Club House
Experiment Station Machine Shed
Field Shed
Foundry Store House
Fruit House
Genetics Chick Isolation
Genetics Poultry Laboratory
Genetics Storage Building
Hose House
Ice House
Intramural Hut
Isolation Barn
Laundry Storage
Locomotive Sheds
Machine Shed
Quarantine Hospital
Rabbit Hutch
Slaughter House
Sorghum Works
Storage Building
Tile Storage Shed
Tool House
Wood Shed at South Hall