Interviews Completed and Being Transcribed
- Adams, Jean
- Anderson, Julia [Transcript Selection]
- Atherly, Mary (Spring 2007)
- Beck, Liz
- Buchele, Wesley F. [Audio Selection]
Wesley F. Buchele oral history
- Christensen, George
- Crabtree, Bev
- Craig, Kathy [Transcript Selection]
- Dolphin, Judy
- Evans, Mary Ann [Transcript Selection]
- Forker, Barbara
- Grant, Nina
- Grim, Valerie [Audio Selection]
- Jischke, Martin [Audio Selection]
- Jischke, Patty
- Kirschenmann, Fred
- Lagomarcino, Virgil [Audio Selection]
Virgil Lagomarcino oral history
- Lewis, Ed [Transcript Selection]
- Madden, Warren
- Miller, Patricia
- Moore, Wayne [Audio Selection]
- Parks, W. Robert
- Pohlman, Lynette [Audio Selection]
- Seagrave, Richard
- Swan, Patricia
- Swenson, Ruth
- Tiffany, Lois [Audio Selection]
- Toman, Betty
- VEISHEA students
Names Suggested for Interviews
- Adams, Jack
- Allen-Sommerville, Lenola
- Anderson, John
- Andre, Elizabeth
- Avalos, Hector
- Baldwin, Claudia
- Barclay, Jim
- Barton, Tom
- Bath, John
- Benson, Garren
- Bice, Anne
- Bice, Don
- Boylan, David
- Buck, Mrs. Griffith
- Burnet, George
- Campbell, Ann
- Cowan (Newbrough), Donna
- Crawford, Harold R.
- Crawford, Reid
- Crow, Michael
- Custer, Carole
- Dailey, Laura
- Daugherty, Steve
- DeWitt, Jerald
- Dobbs, Charlie
- Eaton, Gordon
- Ebbers, Larry
- Engelbrecht, Mark
- Espinoza, Carla
- Fehr, Walter
- Frederikson, Chuck
- Gable, Denise
- Gable, Tom
- Garcia, Jerry
- Gauger, C.J.
- Geoffroy, Gregory
- Gillette, Charles
- Glenn, Sherry Teachout
- Glick, Milton
- Goering, Donald H.
- Grant, Nina
- Habben, C. Lynn
- Harrison, Ann
- Heiber, Elaine
- Herwig, Joan
- Hill, Tom
- Hira, Tahira
- Hobson, James
- Holger, Dave
- Hopson, Jim
- Howe, Helen
- Howe, Stan
- Jackson, George
- Johnson, James D.
- Johnson, Sharon
- Jolls, Kenneth
- Keeney, Dennis
- Kuhn, Warren
- Kunerth, Bill
- Labode, Modupe
- Layton, Bill
- Lepke, Phyllis
- Manning, Carolyn
- Manning, Ralph
- Martinez, Marty
- McJimsey, George
- Melsa, James
- Morgan, Paul
- Mayers, Deland
- Myers, Evie
- Naylor-Ojurongbe, Celia
- Orr, Johnny
- Pesek, John
- Peterson, Sally
- Pickett, Johnny
- Pomerantz, Marvin
- Pounds, Augustine
- Robinson, Dan
- Rollins, Derrick
- Ross, Richard
- Rust, Bob
- Samuels, Charles
- Sandage, Duane
- Schwartz, Jim
- Schwieder, Dorothy
- Shelley, Jack
- Sidey, Ed
- Smedal, Karsten
- Smith, Frances
- Stanley, Mary
- Stanley, Richard
- Switzer, Bill
- Swenson, Russ
- Tam, Tin-shi
- Tartakov, Carlie
- Tartakov, Gary
- Thielen, Tom
- Thompson, Harvey
- Thompson, Louis
- Trapp, Onnolee Underwood
- Trapp, Orin
- Ulrichson, Dean
- Underhill, Bob
- Underwood, Connie
- Underwood, Jeff
- Underwood, Joan
- Underwood, Lori
- Underwood, Mark
- Underwood, Roger
- Underwood, Ray
- Van Pilsum, Joyce
- Vance, Judy
- Vega Garcia, Eduardo
- Vega Garcia, Susan
- VEISHEA committee members
- Warman, Bobbi
- Warman, Roy
- Wengert, Nancene
- Whitaker, Faye
- Willham, Richard L.
- Wood, Shirley
- Woteki, Catherine
- Wintersteen, Wendy
- Young, Charlotte
- Yungclas, Bill (“Wild Bill”)
- Zachary, Loren
- Zaring, Philip
- Ziebold, Jim
Know of someone else who should be included? Send us their name:
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