Quick Facts

Cyclone Football Team, 1895 Cyclone Football Team, 1895

In what year were the various sports teams created?

Men’s Sports: Baseball: 1892 Basketball: 1908 Football: 1892 Swimming: 1917 Track: 1893 Wrestling: 1916

Who played the Campanile Bells?

1899-1931: student bell-ringers 1931-1969: Ira Schroeder 1969-1971: Bruce Eberle 1971-1973; 1991-1992: Marilyn Anderson 1973-1991: Richard von Grabow 1994-present: Tin-shi Tam

State Gym during the influenza epidemic of 1918 State Gym during the influenza epidemic of 1918

The image was taken in the State Gym during the influenza epidemic of 1918. After the College Hospital exceeded capacity, patients were housed in the State Gym. Fifty-one people at Iowa State died during the epidemic.

This is a historic exhibit and the information provided within it may be out of date. Please contact the Special Collections and University Archives Department with questions about Iowa State history (archives@iastate.edu).