Iowa State's Campus Buildings: A Bibliography
by Tanya Zanish-Belcher

Campus circa 1940s Campus circa 1940s

Au, King. Interpretations of the interpretations: photographic explorations by King Au of Iowa State University’s Art on Campus Collection. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, 1995. (Call Number: TR647 .A9 1995) Location: Special Collections

Bliss, Patricia Lounsbury. Christian Petersen, sculptor, 1885-1961: an illustrated guide to his works in the Ames-Gilbert vicinity, on the Iowa State University campus, and in the state of Iowa. Bettendorf, Iowa: Pegasus Productions, 1986. (Call Number: NB237.P4 A4 1986) Location: Design; Special Collections; General Collection

Daily, Laura C. Green hills: an album of Iowa State memories. Ames, Iowa: Alumni Association, Iowa State University, 1975. (Call Number: LD2544.5 D35x) Location: Special Collections; Veterinary Medicine

*Day, H. Summerfield. The Iowa State University campus and its buildings, 1859-1979. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, 1980. (Call Number: LD2534.I6 D39x) Locations: Design Permanent Reserve; Special Collections; General Collection; Reference Collection

Gaines, Thomas A. The campus as a work of art. New York : Praeger, 1991. (Call Number: LB3223.3 .G35 1991) Locations: Design; Special Collections; General Collection

Guide to art on campus. Ames, Iowa: University Museums, Iowa State University, 1993. (Call Number: N512.A56 A85x 1993) Location: Reference Collection

Rayness, Velma Wallace. Campus Sketches of Iowa State University. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1962. (Call Number: LD2544.5 R21c2) Location: Special Collections; General Collection

Scenes of Iowa State. Ames, Iowa: Alumni Association, Iowa State University, 1979. (Call Number: LD2544.5 S34x 1979) Location: Special Collections

Additional Websites

Historic Barns of Iowa State

Campus Art

Farm House

Facilties Planning and Management Campus Building Drawings

Facilities Planning and Management–Current Campus Floor Plans

Maps of the Current Iowa State University Campus

Resources Available Online

From Prairie Sod to Campus Cornerstones: Building Our Campus History

The Iowa State University campus and its buildings, 1859-1979

Trees of Central Campus

For Whom It Is Named: Names of Halls, Buildings, Streets, Residence Hall Houses and Other Facilities at Iowa State University


To learn more about the Iowa State University Campus, please check the following websites, archival collections (located in Special Collections, ISU Library) and secondary sources (call numbers and locations noted).

Buildings and Grounds Division Collection, located in the University Archives

Department of Residence Buildings Collection, located in the University Archives

Celebrating 100 Years: Iowa State’s Campanile (Virtual Exhibit)

Morrill Hall: The Jewel of Iowa State University (Virtual Exhibit)

This is a historic exhibit and the information provided within it may be out of date. Please contact the Special Collections and University Archives Department with questions about Iowa State history (