Economics Submission for Digital Repository

Researchers in Iowa State University's Departments of Economics can use this form to submit new work to the Iowa State Digital Repository.

Select the type of publication you are entering.
If you are submitting an edited or co-edited book, enter the names of the editors here.
First Author
Enter the middle name or initial(s) of the first author.
Enter the last name of the first author.
Enter the institutional affiliation of the first author.
Enter the email address of the first author. If the author is from Iowa State, use their @iastate email address.
If there are more than five authors, enter their names, institutional affiliations and email addresses here.
Enter the date the work was created. If published, enter the publication date.
Journal Information
Enter the full title of the journal (without abbreviations).
Enter the page range for the article. If the article has been assigned an article number instead of page numbers, enter the article number instead.
Enter the ISBN for the book.
Book Information
Enter information about the book your chapter/section was published in.
Enter the ISBN for the book.
Conference Information
Enter information about the conference the paper was presented at.
Conference Information
Enter information about the conference the poster was presented at.
Conference Information
Enter information about the conference this presentation was presented at.
Conference Information
Enter information about the conference the presentation/poster this proceedings is based on was presented at.
Proceedings Information
Enter information about the proceedings publication.
Data Information
Enter information describing the dataset.
If the dataset has been used in the preparation of a publication, enter the citation for the publication.
Report Information
Enter the names of funders who supported the research.
Enter the grant numbers for grants supporting the research.
If an embargo is required by the funder(s), enter the date the report can be made publicly available.
Publication Information
Indicate whether the working paper has been published, or if publication is forthcoming.
Enter the citation of the publication.
If you are submitting a publication, please indicate whether a working paper of the publication is available. If you are submitting a working paper, please select "Not Applicable."
Enter the URL where the working paper is available.
If the work has been assigned a DOI, please enter it here.
Enter keywords to describe your work. Separate keywords with commas.
Enter the appropriate JEL codes for your publication. View complete list of JEL codes.
Please enter the number of pages
Please upload the full-text of your publication.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp ods bz2 gz rar tar zip.
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