DR Milestones: Digital Repository posts 70,000th item!

This week, the Iowa State University Digital Repository posted its 70,000th item. Launched in 2012, the repository has grown quickly, adding an average of 13,000 items a year!

Black and white image of the Readership Distribution Map

The Readership Distribution Map showing the Digital Repository has surpassed 70,000 downloads.

The 70,000th item uploaded is Mary Ellen Muckenhirn’s 1960 article, “Memo to suitcase stuffers.” The article appeared in The Iowa Homemaker, which was published from 1921 to 1961 by students studying Home Economics at Iowa State University.

Black and white image of a sketch showing the diagram for making a travel bag

Diagram for making a travel bag to keep small items from getting lost in luggage.

The honor of uploading the 70,000th item went to our student assistant Jake Thompson, senior in Finance.