ISU Buildings and Structures

ISU Historical Maps

image of historical map of ISU

Collection contains the first 100 years of campus maps, about one from each decade with more during years of campus expansion.

14 images and drawings.

Iowa State University Campus and its Buildings

Iowa State University Campus and its Buildings

Historical publications documenting the development and planning of the ISU campus and its buildings.



517 pages.

Olmsted Brothers' Iowa State College Campus Planning Report

Olmsted Brothers' Iowa State College Campus Planning Report

Iowa State College solicited a report from the Olmsted Brothers in 1906 regarding future plans for the campus. Although their plan was not adopted by the Board of Trustees or Iowa State College faculty, it did influence the locating of several buildings, such as Agricultural (Curtiss) Hall and State Gym.

11 pages.

Origins and Early History of ISC

Origins and Early History of ISC

"Copy of the Origin and early history of the Iowa State College as written in pencil on loose sheets by Benjamin F. Gue in or about 1891, and found among his papers and letters now in the possession of his son, Gurney C. Gue, Merrick, Long Island." - Caption title. Typewritten manuscript.

9 pages.

University Photographs

University Photographs

University Photographs is a collection that encompasses more photographs of the history of ISU than you can shake a stick at. It covers buildings, people, athletics, departments, student life, landscapes, events, and assorted mishmash of goodness.

2238 images.